Copy Editing

All professionally published work gets reviewed by a copy editor, and even if you’re a self-published designer, it’s a good idea to hold your work to the same standards. I offer two levels of copy editing services, both of which are available at flexible rates.


This is the most basic level of review. I will correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, along with obvious typos or other errors. The standard rate for this level is $25 per hour.

Standard Copy Editing

This is the most commonly used level of review. In addition to the proofreading above, I will look at sentence structure, paragraph flow, and clarity of language. Some comments with feedback and suggestions will be provided. The standard rate for this level is $35 per hour.

Submission Guidelines

All documents must be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx), 1.5 line spacing, with minimum 11 point font. Before committing to a job, I require a representative sample that includes 5% of the total page count (a text-heavy chunk from the middle is best for this). If you’re using a style guide or want to emulate the style of a specific game, please share that as well.